Victims/survivors of domestic abuse - multi-agency risk assessment and interventions: report

A report relating to the development of Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (Maracs) covering views, themes and recommendations identified at a series of stakeholder deep dive sessions in 2021.

12. Next Steps

57. A small steering group will be initiated to oversee the next steps of Marac development. made up of SafeLives, Scottish Women's Aid and a range of stakeholders with practical knowledge of MARAC operation.

58. In addition, workshops will be held periodically with a broader group of stakeholders to ensure work is progressing appropriately.

59. Aligned to the recommendations, SafeLives a will undertake a mapping exercise that aims to provide an accurate picture of current Marac provision in Scotland, and illustrate the benefits and impact of the model for victims of domestic abuse, stakeholders and the whole system response.



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