
Motivating low-carbon behaviours - insights from the Scottish Government

Insights from research commissioned to inform our social marketing campaigns concerning low carbon behaviours.

Annex A: Other Resources

Greener Scotland

For helpful advice on going greener, visit the Greener Scotland website

Scottish Government climate change pages

Information on all the work the Scottish Government is carrying out to tackle climate change can be found on our website

Mapping the Influences - The ISM Tool

Our research has found that each Key Behaviour Area is governed by a varied range of internal and external influences. Although this document gives some insights into what these influences are likely to be, specific circumstances are likely to have a significant impact on a behaviour change project or intervention. Scottish Government has developed a tool which can be used to take an in depth look at all the factors influencing behaviours in a specific scenario, allowing policy makers, community groups or anyone who wants to facilitate behaviour change to tailor the most effective and appropriate response.

A practical, step by step guide to using ISM is available at

A version of the tool aimed specifically at community groups is available here

Understanding the Audience - The Segmentation Tool

The Scottish Government has developed a tool which can point the way to what behaviours to focus on and what strategies to use in a behaviour change initiative targeting a particular area or demographic. The climate change behaviours segmentation tool divides households in Scotland into nine segments, each assumed to have broadly similar characteristics and attitudes around the key climate change behaviours. The tool includes a pen portrait setting out for each segment:

  • the key demographics
  • most effective media channels
  • local authority mapping
  • carbon footprint
  • and climate change behaviours

The climate change behaviours segmentation tool is available here


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