
Motivating low-carbon behaviours - insights from the Scottish Government

Insights from research commissioned to inform our social marketing campaigns concerning low carbon behaviours.

Section 2: Attitude and Behaviour Tracking

Since 2010 quantitative data has been collected on the Scottish public's attitudes to climate change, as well as some of their relevant behaviours [5] . This tracking research was conducted alongside the Scottish Government's Greener Marketing campaigns, providing an overview of the populations attitudes over time. More information on current greener campaigns can be found at

The research consisted of around 1000 interviews for each wave of data collection, during which respondents were asked to what extent they agreed or disagreed with a broad range of statements.

Research covered levels of concern, personal responsibility, and the perceived benefits of action.

Tracking has seen slow positive progress, with stalling in some areas.


How concerned are you personally about climate change?

I feel that I have some personal responsibility to do what I can to help reduce climate change

People in Scotland have a lot to gain from the country being more environmentally friendly

If people like me do what they can to lead a greener lifestyle, it will make a big difference in tackling climate change


How much do you feel you currently do to help Scotland tackle climate change?

The majority of people report making a contribution of some kind, although only a small percentage do 'a lot', and there has been no significant increase in this fraction since 2010. These responses will likely depend on many factors, however, including the perceived effort the respondents went to, normalisation over time of certain behaviours and levels of awareness of the range of actions that could be taken.

Variation of reported behaviours

Reported behaviours - 2015*


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