
GDP monthly estimate: October 2022

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) statistics measure changes in the output of the economy. This is an experimental statistics publication for Scotland.

The Office for National Statistics commented on some common themes that were anecdotally reported as part of the Monthly Business Survey to have played a part in performance across different industries. However it is often difficult to quantify these effects.

There was anecdotal evidence to suggest that industrial action in October 2022 had an impact on businesses. Rail strikes resulted in units in accommodation, and food and beverage service activities, reporting a reduction in their revenue. However, units involved in bus transport reported that the strikes had led to an increase in their turnover. The port strikes were also reported as having had an impact, with units in haulage, logistics and shipping, employment agencies, and manufacture of machinery reporting that they had led to a reduction in their turnover. Postal strikes were also mentioned, with units in courier activities and employment agencies reporting an upturn in their revenue.


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