Meeting global challenges and making a difference - aligning international development policy with global goals: analysis of responses

Analysis of responses received during consultation on international development policy.

2 About the respondents

2.1 This section provides information about the respondents to the consultation.

Number of responses received

2.2 The consultation received 133 submissions. However, for different reasons, three responses were removed [6] , while two responses from one respondent were combined into a single response. Thus, the analysis was based on a total of 129 responses - 91 from organisations and 38 from individuals (Table 2.1). A complete list of the organisational respondents is included at Annex 1.

Table 2.1: Number of responses

Respondent type n %
Organisations 91 71%
Individuals 38 29%
Total 129 100%

2.3 Most responses (n=119, 93%) were submitted through the Scottish Government's online consultation hub. The remaining responses were submitted by email.

2.4 Not all respondents answered all questions in the consultation. Response rates for individual questions ranged from 41% for Question 5b to 95% for Question 1. See Annex 2 for details.

The respondents

2.5 Table 2.2 below shows that over half of the organisational respondents (n=52, 57%) were non-governmental organisations ( NGOs) or charities. Of these, 34 were based in Scotland or the UK and 18 were international NGOs ( iNGOs). Organisational respondents also included coalitions, networking and umbrella bodies (10); private sector organisations, including social enterprises (6); academic or research organisations (6); Scottish public sector respondents (6); and faith-based organisations (5).

Table 2.2: Organisational respondents

Organisation type n %
Non-governmental organisations / charities (Scotland / UK base only) 34 37%
Non-governmental organisations: part of wider international network ( iNGOs) 18 20%
Coalitions, networking and umbrella bodies 10 11%
Private sector (including social enterprises) 6 7%
Academic / research organisations 6 7%
Scottish public sector respondents 6 7%
Faith-based organisations 5 5%
Other organisational respondents* 6 7%
Total 91 100%

* Other organisations - Royal Colleges, government bodies, and voluntary groups.

Percentages do not total 100% due to rounding.

2.6 Organisations were categorised according to the primary geographical focus of their work. Table 2.3 below shows that the largest proportion of respondents had an African focus (41%) and nearly a third (31%) had a broad international focus. A list of the respondents, categorised by their geographical focus, is provided in Annex 3.

Table 2.3: Geographical focus of organisational respondents

Geographical focus n %
Africa 37 41%
International 28 31%
Scotland* 20 22%
Asia focus 3 3%
Rest of the UK 2 2%
Other 1 1%
Total 91 100%

* Organisations with a primary Scotland focus included, for example, Scottish public sector organisations, Royal Colleges, Scottish universities or research organisations, etc.


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