
Management of Public Health Incidents: Guidance on the Roles and Responsibilities of NHS led Incident Management Teams - October 2011

Management of Public Health Incidents: Guidance on the Roles and Responsibilities of NHS led Incident Management Teams - October 2011


Full Incident Management Team Report Proposed Standardised Dataset

*A suitable method will be developed for reporting this proposed dataset. It is expected that when completed, it will be attached to a suitable narrative on the incident. The dataset and methods of reporting will be piloted and suitably revised. There will then be a final consultation on the reporting method. It is intended that the narratives and completed datasets will be held by the Health Protection Network to facilitate on-going work to help prevent similar incidents and improving practice in incident management.

Incident Management
Incident Management Team (IMT) lead Name and job title, Board
Agencies represented on IMT:
Date of first IMT meeting:
Date of last IMT meeting:
Number of IMT meetings held:
Guidance used by IMT:
Please record any other points on IMT:
Incident Detection and Initial response
Date of first notification of case(s)
Date incident detected
Description of how the incident was detected
Description of the initial risk assessment response and communications:
Please note any other points on incident detection and initial response
Type of Incident
Causative Agent*
Main presenting illness
Main Primary Exposure(s)** Food
General Environment (i.e. when a hazard, usually chemical or radioactive, is widely dispersed e.g. in soil, water, in living matter and it is difficult to discern a specific exposure pathway
Person to person (type e.g. sexual, respiratory, contact)
Other (please describe)
Source(s) of exposure***
Duration of incident From: To:
Please note any other points on the type of incident
* Causative Agent refers to the hazard (biological, chemical or radiological) which has been absorbed into and/or entered the cases and is the prime cause of their illness.
** Exposure is used to describe the pathway through which a person/ group/population has come into contact with the hazard which is the supposed cause of disease or health state of interest. The main types of exposures are: food, water, air, person to person, zoonotic and general environmental. Exposure can be primary i.e. the original exposure leading to the hazard entering into or being absorbed by the index case or secondary i.e. consequential further exposures which are related to but may be different to the original
*** Source of exposure relates to where the exposure has originated from.


Epidemiological Investigation
Type(s) of Epidemiological investigation
Final Case Definitions Confirmed Probable Possible
Number of Cases by definition and sex
Number of cases by definition and age
Clinical status Admitted: ITU: Deaths:
First and last date of onset by definition Epidemic curve appended? : Yes/No
Areas of incident occurrence: Mapping of cases appended? : Yes/No
Primary Exposures investigated Food Water Air General Environment Person to person (type) Zoonotic Other (please describe)
Source(s) of exposures
Secondary Exposures investigated
Other risk factors for illness
Underlying medical conditions
Further epidemiological investigations Report appended? Yes/No
Key findings:
Main Conclusions
Please note any further points on the epidemiological investigation
Human Laboratory Investigation
Diagnostic Laboratories involved
Reference Laboratory involved
Sampling and testing strategy Report appended Yes/No
Causative agent:
Strain/genotype of micro-organism:
Dates of first and last positive results in confirmed cases by laboratory
Further microbiological investigations Report appended Yes/No
Key findings:
Main Conclusions
Please note any further points on the laboratory investigation
Environmental Investigation
Agency leading investigation
Other agencies
Laboratories involved
Investigation Strategy (including sampling & testing) Report appended Yes/No
Main exposures
Source and vehicle of exposure(s)
Further environmental investigations Report appended Yes/No
Key findings:
Main Conclusions
Please note any further points on the environmental investigation
Overall Summary from Investigation
Key findings:
Main Conclusions
Control measures
Prevention of primary exposure
Exposure Measure Onset and duration Agency responsible
Prevention of secondary and further exposure(s)
Exposure Measure Onset and duration Agency responsible
Prevention of ill health in those exposed
Exposure Measure Onset and duration Agency responsible
Treatment and care of cases
Services Measure Onset and duration Agency responsible
Primary Care
Secondary care
Criteria for cessation of main control measures
Enforcement & compliance issues
Evaluation of impact and achievement of objectives
Main Conclusions
Key content: Assessed Risk to Health
Key content: Advice on risk reduction
Main spokesperson(s)
Method of assessing impact
Communications made: service
Public Health (Scotland)
Public Health (UK & Europe)
Scottish Government
General Practice
NHS 24
Out of hours & A&E
Local authorities
Secondary care
Communications made; public
Cases and Contacts
Affected communities
Local Media
National Media
Publicity and specific health information
Evaluation of impact and achievement of objectives
Main Conclusions
Antecedents of Outbreak
What occurred to precipitate the outbreak?
Were there any system failures which contributed to this?
Where there any organisational or cultural issues contributing to these?
What is the likelihood of a similar event occurring?
What needs to be done to prevent this?
Learning from Experience
Organisational Arrangements What worked well? :
What could be improved? :
Investigation What worked well? :
What could be improved? :
Control measures What worked well? :
What could be improved? :
Communications What worked well? :
What could be improved? :
Please identify any updates to guidance that should be considered as a result of the incident:
Please identify any research that should be considered as a result of the incident:
Please identify any Workforce / Education / Development priorities to arise as a result of the incident:


Recommended Actions Arising from the Incident Recommended Actions should be set out as objectives using the 'SMART approach i.e.': Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timed:
  • Specific - Be precise about the objective to be achieved.
  • Measurable - Quantify the extent of the action.
  • Achievable - Actions should no be an excessive burden on owners.
  • Realistic - Sufficient resources should be available to complete actions.
  • Timed - State the expected completion date.
Action No. Description of action Action owner Complete by date

Report Approval

For completion by the Chair of the Incident Management Team
Name: Designation:
Signature: Date:
Email: Tel. :


Email: Janet Sneddon

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