
Management of Public Health Incidents: Guidance on the Roles and Responsibilities of NHS led Incident Management Teams - October 2011

Management of Public Health Incidents: Guidance on the Roles and Responsibilities of NHS led Incident Management Teams - October 2011


Guidance and further information

Guidance that may be useful in the management of public health incidents may be published on a variety of website but links to the key sources are provides below.

Scottish Health Protection Information Resource (password protected)

Scottish Health Protection Information Resource (SHPIR) is intended to provide a distillation of the most current and relevant health protection advice and guidance material available for use in dealing with Health Protection issues and enquiries encountered both in daily practice and in an out-of-hours setting for Public Health/Health Protection staff involved in on-call work. The essential purpose of SHPIR is to provide a reliable and quality assured resource of first resort, for Health Protection staff in Scotland, particularly when rapid access is required to key documentation, advice, guidance and other information on Health Protection topics.

Healthcare Associated infection

Compendium of Healthcare Associated Infection Guidance

Health Protection Network

NHS emergencies

National Health Service in Scotland Manual of Guidance: Responding to Emergencies.

Civil Contingencies

Food Standards Agency

Guidance on the Investigation and Control of Outbreaks of Foodborne Disease in Scotland

Food Law Code of Practice (Scotland)


Email: Janet Sneddon

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