
Local Area Labour Markets in Scotland: Statistics from the Annual Population Survey, 2014

Summary publication of results from the Annual Population Survey 2014, presenting analysis on the labour market, education and training. Results are provided for Scotland and local authority areas in Scotland.


  • Record high employment level in Scotland in 2014 (2,558,800), the highest seen since comparable records began- driven by female employment increasing to 1,236,800.
  • The proportion of working people (16-64) with SVQ level 4 or higher qualifications was 47.1%, the highest on record in Scotland, driven by:
    • The highest level of people with Degree or Professional qualification (758,700), up 62,400 since 2013.
    • The highest level of people with HNC/HND level qualifications (409,000), up 17,600 over the year.
    • The level of working people aged 16-64 with no qualifications was 139,500, the lowest seen since comparable records began in 2004.
  • Graduates are faring better in the labour market. The proportion of workers in Scotland aged 25-64 who were graduates in 2014 was 33.2% - the highest since start of comparable records in 2004.
  • Record number of older workers (aged 50 and over) in Scotland (787,500).
    • A 23.4% rise in employment level for 50-64 year olds (from 573,200 to 707,200), with their employment rate increasing from 61.9% to 67.4%.
    • A 95% rise in employment level for those aged 65 and over (from 41,200 to 80,300), with their employment rate increasing from 5.2% to 8.4%.
  • Underemployment level in Scotland decreased by 20,200 over the year to 216,500, with the underemployment rate decreasing by 1.1 percentage points from 10.0% to 8.6%.
    • The decrease in under-employment over the year was driven by reductions in levels for both full and part-time male workers (down 10,800 and 9,400 respectively).
  • The level of 16-19 year old who were NEET in 2014 was 21,000, down 8,000 over the year. This is the lowest level of NEET seen since comparable records began in 2004.
    • 8.4% of 16-19 year olds were NEET in 2014, down 2.8 percentage points over the year. The change was driven by:
      • A decrease in level the of males who were NEET, down 5,000 (3.7 percentage points) over the year, while female NEETs were down 3,000 (1.9 percentage points).
      • A decrease of 7,000 over the year in the level of 18-19 year olds who were NEET.
  • Model-based Unemployment rates decreased in all of Scotland's local authorities over the year. However, the model-based unemployment rate remains higher in all local authority areas than in 2008.
    • The largest decreases over the year were seen in North Ayrshire (down 5.3 percentage points) and East Ayrshire (down 2.7 percentage points).
    • The smallest decreases over the year were seen in Aberdeen City (down 0.1 percentage point), East Dunbartonshire and Shetland Islands (both down 0.3 percentage points).


Email: Alan Winetrobe

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