Local Area Labour Markets in Scotland: Statistics from the Annual Population Survey, 2014

Summary publication of results from the Annual Population Survey 2014, presenting analysis on the labour market, education and training. Results are provided for Scotland and local authority areas in Scotland.

List of Figures

Figure 1 - Employment rate (16-64), Scotland and UK, 2004-2014

Figure 2 - Employment level (16+), Scotland by gender, 2004-2014

Figure 3 - Composition of the working population of Scotland in 2014

Figure 4 - Employment rates across Local Authority areas, Scotland 2004-2014

Figure 5 - Male employment rates, change over year and since 2008, Scotland, UK

Figure 6 - Female employment rates, change over year and since 2008, Scotland, UK

Figure 7 - Gender employment gap, Scotland and UK, 2004 to 2014

Figure 8 - Employment rate (16-64) by Equality Act disability status, Scotland, 2014

Figure 9 - Employment rates by ethnicity, change over year and since 2008, Scotland

Figure 10 - Employment rate by age group, Scotland, 2004 to 2014

Figure 11 - Employment rate by age group (16-24, 50-64 and 65+), change since 2008, Scotland

Figure 12 - Youth employment (16-24) across Scotland and compared to the UK

Figure 13 - Older Workers in Scotland, 2014

Figure 14 - Employment rates (16-64) by qualification level, Scotland 2004-2014

Figure 15 - Proportion of all in employment (16-64) by qualification level, Scotland 2004 to 2014

Figure 16 - Proportion of workers aged 25-64 who are graduates

Figure 17 - Work patterns by gender for all aged 16+, Scotland, change since 2008

Figure 18 - Underemployment levels by gender and work patterns, Scotland 2004 to 2014

Figure 19 - Sectoral and occupational gender segregation, Scotland, 2014

Figure 20 - Public and Private sector employment levels (indexed to 2004), Scotland

Figure 21 - Composition of those aged 16+ who were not in work, Scotland 2014

Figure 22 - Unemployment rate (16+), Scotland and UK, change since 2008

Figure 23 - Unemployment rate by age group, Scotland, 2004 to 2014

Figure 24 - Duration of unemployment by age, Scotland 2014

Figure 25 - Model Based Unemployment (MBU) across Local Authority areas in Scotland, 2014

Figure 26 - Percentage of 16-19 year olds NEET by gender, Scotland 2004 - 2014

Figure 27 - Percentage of 16-19 year olds NEET by age group, Scotland 2004 - 2014

Figure 28 - Percentage of 16-19 year old NEET with 95% upper and lower confidence intervals (UCI and LCI)

Figure 29 - Economic Inactivity, Scotland and UK

Figure 30 - Economic Inactivity by Local Authority, 2014

Figure 31 - Proportion of economically inactive that want a job, Scotland, 2004-2014

Figure 32 - Number of people aged 16 and over who have never worked, Scotland 2004-2014


Email: Alan Winetrobe

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