
Local Area Labour Markets in Scotland - Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2011

Summary publication of results from the Annual Population Survey 2011, presenting analysis on the labour market, education and training. Results are provided for Scotland and local authority areas in Scotland.

Table 5 - Public, Private Sector employment by age group for all aged 16+, Scotland, 2004 to 2011

Public Sector
Total 16-24 25-34 35-49 50-64 65+
Proportion Level Proportion Level Proportion Level Proportion Level Proportion Level Proportion Level
2004 28.9% 698,300 12.7% 46,300 26.9% 133,200 33.8% 319,500 33.7% 193,100 15.0% 6,200
2005 28.9% 704,100 13.4% 49,500 25.0% 123,100 33.8% 320,800 34.8% 204,500 16.4% 6,200
2006 29.2% 724,600 13.0% 47,800 27.0% 133,800 33.5% 324,100 35.2% 213,400 12.6% 5,500
2007 28.3% 708,500 12.4% 45,700 24.9% 125,600 32.7% 315,200 34.6% 215,500 14.0% 6,400
2008 27.9% 701,300 12.2% 44,600 24.3% 123,200 32.9% 314,000 33.2% 211,900 15.6% 7,600
2009 29.2% 724,200 14.3% 49,900 27.1% 137,300 32.8% 303,200 34.9% 223,700 18.5% 10,000
2010 28.7% 702,700 13.2% 44,100 25.3% 127,600 32.6% 296,000 34.6% 223,000 21.3% 12,000
2011 27.4% 669,800 10.6% 34,500 24.3% 127,000 31.3% 279,400 33.5% 218,200 19.4% 10,800
Private Sector
Total 16-24 25-34 35-49 50-64 65+
Proportion Level Proportion Level Proportion Level Proportion Level Proportion Level Proportion Level
2004 71.1% 1,719,300 87.3% 316,900 73.1% 362,800 66.2% 624,500 66.3% 380,100 85.0% 35,100
2005 71.1% 1,732,300 86.6% 321,100 75.0% 369,300 66.2% 627,000 65.2% 383,100 83.6% 31,800
2006 70.8% 1,759,000 87.0% 321,400 73.0% 362,300 66.5% 644,700 64.8% 392,700 87.4% 37,900
2007 71.7% 1,799,000 87.6% 323,700 75.1% 379,100 67.3% 649,600 65.4% 407,100 86.0% 39,500
2008 72.1% 1,811,300 87.8% 319,400 75.7% 384,700 67.1% 639,600 66.8% 426,400 84.4% 41,200
2009 70.8% 1,753,000 85.7% 300,300 72.9% 369,100 67.2% 622,400 65.1% 416,900 81.5% 44,300
2010 71.3% 1,744,600 86.8% 289,000 74.7% 376,600 67.4% 613,100 65.4% 421,600 78.7% 44,200
2011 72.6% 1,776,000 89.4% 289,400 75.7% 395,100 68.7% 613,000 66.5% 433,500 80.6% 44,900

Source: Annual Population Survey (Jan to Dec)
1. Levels cover those within the specified age groups.
2. Proportions are as a total of all within specified age group (excluding non-respondents for this question)


Email: Alan Winetrobe

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