
Local Area Labour Markets in Scotland - Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2011

Summary publication of results from the Annual Population Survey 2011, presenting analysis on the labour market, education and training. Results are provided for Scotland and local authority areas in Scotland.

Annex G: Results from the Annual Population Survey April'11 - March'12 dataset.

The results from the April'11 - March'12 Annual Population Survey (APS) were released on 21 June 2012 by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

The key labour market results from the April'11 - March'12 APS are as follows:

  • The employment rate (16-64) in Scotland was 70.7% down 0.3 percentage points from 71.0% in April 10' - March'11. The rate in Scotland was the highest of all UK countries and was 0.6 percentage points higher than the UK employment rate of 70.1%.
  • There is considerable variation in employment rates across Scotland's local authorities. During the period from April'11-March'12, the local authorities with the highest employment rates in Scotland were Shetland Islands, Orkney Islands and Highland (81.8%, 80.4% and 80.0% respectively) while the those with the lowest employment rates were North Ayrshire, Glasgow City and Clackmannanshire (61.6%, 63.5% and 66.0% respectively)
  • The economic inactivity rate (16-64) in Scotland was 23.1% up 0.2 percentage points from 22.9% in April 10' - March'11. The rate in Scotland was the lowest of all UK countries and was 0.5 percentage points lower than the UK economic inactivity rate of 23.6%.
  • During the period from April'11-March'12, the local authorities with the highest economic inactivity rates in Scotland were Glasgow City, North Ayrshire and South Ayrshire at (28.1%, 28.0% and 26.3% respectively) while the those with the lowest economic inactivity rates were Highland and Shetland Islands (both with 17.0%) and Aberdeenshire with 17.6%


Email: Alan Winetrobe

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