Learning Disability, Autism and Neurodiversity Bill - Lived Experience Advisory Panel: recruitment information - easy read

We are looking to recruit neurodivergent people to take part in a panel that will help us design an inclusive consultation for a new proposed bill.

Payment arrangements

The members will be paid an allowance so that they are able to take part in the panel.

This is being done to make sure that people from many different backgrounds take part.

The panel members' involvement will be as volunteers.

The members will not be working for the Scottish Government or any other organisation while they are part of the panel.

The way people will be paid their allowance will be agreed with each panel member separately.

People can be paid in either vouchers or cash depending on what works best for each person.

People on the panel can also choose not to be paid if they want.

People who are taking part will be given a written paper which says what they have agreed to.

This paper will tell people what they are being paid and how they are being paid.

This paper will also tell people where they can get advice if they are worried about their benefits or the taxes they pay changing because they are taking part.

Taking part may cause problems with the benefits people are getting. If it does cause any problems then a letter will be sent to their welfare agency.

This letter will let welfare agencies know that taking part in the panel is not a job. It will also say that the money people are getting is not a wage.


Email: LDAN.Bill@gov.scot

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