
Labour Market Statistics for Scotland by Disability: January to December 2022

Information about disability in the labour market from the Annual Population Survey January to December 2022.

Types of work

Key metrics

In January to December 2022, disabled people who were in employment were more likely to:

  • work part-time
  • not be in contractually secure work
  • be underemployed

than non-disabled people who were in employment.

However, the proportion of disabled people who were not in contractually secure work (6.3 per cent) was similar to the proportion of non-disabled people (5.6 per cent).  Whereas nearly one in three disabled people were working part-time (31.5 per cent) compared to nearly one in four non-disabled people (23.5 per cent). The proportion of hours based underemployment for disabled people was also larger than the proportion for non-disabled people (7.6 and 5.7 per cent respectively).

Contractually secure work is defined as employees who are employed on a permanent basis.

Underemployment refers to those who are in work but would prefer to work more hours in their current job (at their basic rate of pay), in an additional job or in a new job with longer hours to replace their current job.

Chart 5: Employment by disability and types of work, Scotland, 2022

A bar chart showing the breakdown of three types of work for non-disabled, disabled, and all people in 2022.  The top three bars show the proportions of full-time and part-time workers. The middle three bars show the proportion of people in and not in contractually secure work. The bottom three bars show the proportion of people who are and are not underemployed.

Source: Annual Population Survey, January to December 2022, ONS


For both disabled and non-disabled people aged 16 to 64 years in employment, a larger proportion work in public administation, education and health in comparison to other industries.  However, the proportion of disabled people is over 4.0 percentage points larger than the proportion of non-disabled people (34.0 and 38.1 per cent respectively).

The proportion of disabled people working in distribution, hotels and restaurants, and transport and communication is also larger than the equivalent proportion of non-disabled people working in those industries.

Chart 6: Employment by disability and industry, Scotland 2022

A bar chart showing the proportion of employed people by their industry of employment in 2022. There are separate categories for each industry and each industry has two bars showing the proportion for non-disabled and disabled people. The bars are ranked so the top industry has the largest proportion and the bottom industry has the lowest proportion.

Source: Annual Population Survey, January to December 2022, ONS

Employer size

In January to December 2022, a higher proportion of disabled people (48.9 per cent) in employment worked for small-sized employers than non-disabled people (46.4 per cent).

Over a quarter of non-disabled people in employment worked for large-sized employers (26.0 per cent) compared with under a quarter of disabled people (23.9 per cent). A similar number of people in employment, both disabled and non-disabled, worked for medium-sized employers.

Employer size is self-reported and may not be consistent with estimates of employer size reported from business sources.

Chart 7: Employment by disability and employer size, Scotland, 2022

A bar chart shoing the proportion of employed people by their employers size in 2022.  There are separate lines for the four sizes and each size has three bars showing the proportions for non-disabled, disabled, and all people. The bars are ranked from small-sized employer to large-sized employer with unknown size at the bottom.

Source: Annual Population Survey, January to December 2022, ONS

Small-Sized employers have less than 50 employees
Medium-Sized employers have between 50 and 249 employees
Large-Sized employers have 250 or more employees
Employers of unknown size have between 50 and 499 employees


If you have any enquiries relating to Labour Market Statistics then please contact us at:

Telephone: 0131 244 6773
Fax: 0300 244 1060

Labour Market Statistics
OCEAES: Economic Development, Enterprise and Labour Market Analysis
Scottish Government
5th Floor
5 Atlantic Quay
150 Broomielaw
G2 8LU

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