
Key Scottish Safety Camera Programme Statistics, 2011

An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland Key Scottish Safety Camera Programme Statistics, 2011

Annex A: Data by 3-year baselines

The following tables show the changes in the 3-year average accident and casualty numbers between baseline periods and the period from 2009 to 2011 inclusive. The tables are grouped by baseline periods.

The tables include data for all cameras that were enforced at the end of 2011, including those where enforcement commenced pre-programme. Therefore, consistent baseline data are not available for all cameras[17]. The effect of this is to reduce the 3-year average baseline figures for all injuries and accidents. This, in turn, means that any reported reductions are under-estimates of the true reduction and any reported increases are over-estimates of the true increase.

Baseline years 1997 - 1999

There are 26 fixed cameras and 19 red-light cameras with a baseline period of 1997 to 1999 that are currently still enforced[18].

Table A1: Accident and casualty averages for camera sites with baseline years 1997 - 1999

3-year averages
Baseline 24.3 174.7 129.7 22.0
Latest[20] 9.7 81.3 64.3 9.3
Percentage change -60% -53% -50% -58%

Baseline years 1998 - 2000

There are 4 fixed cameras, 25 mobile cameras and 2 red-light cameras with a baseline period of 1998 to 2000 that are currently enforced.

Table A2: Accident and casualty averages for camera sites with baseline years 1998 - 2000

3-year averages
Baseline 40.7 153.7 102.7 30.3
Latest 11.7 68.3 53.7 11.0
Percentage change -71% -56% -48% -64%

Baseline years 1999 - 2001

There are 59 fixed cameras, 23 mobile cameras and 1 red-light camera with a baseline period of 1999 to 2001 that are currently enforced.

Table A3: Accident and casualty averages for camera sites with baseline years 1999 - 2001

3-year averages
Baseline 67.3 278.3 221.0 57.3
Latest 35.0 167.0 127.7 30.3
Percentage change -48% -40% -42% -47%

Baseline years 2000 - 2002

There are 67 fixed cameras, 119 mobile cameras and 16 red-light cameras with a baseline period of 2000 to 2002 that are currently enforced.

Table A4: Accident and casualty averages for camera sites with baseline years 2000 - 2002

3-year averages
Baseline 164.0 660.7 476.3 132.0
Latest 62.7 352.0 276.3 54.0
Percentage change -62% -47% -42% -59%

Baseline years 2001 - 2003

There are 2 fixed cameras, 29 mobile cameras and 2 red-light cameras with a baseline period of 2001 to 2003 that are currently enforced.

Table A5: Accident and casualty averages for camera sites with baseline years 2001 - 2003

3-year averages
Baseline 19.7 72.7 68.3 22.7
Latest 6.3 46.7 37.0 6.3
Percentage change -68% -36% -46% -72%

Baseline years 2002 - 2004

There are 2 fixed cameras and 7 mobile cameras with a baseline period of 2002 to 2004 that are currently enforced.

Table A6: Accident and casualty averages for camera sites with baseline years 2002 - 2004

3-year averages
Baseline 7.0 17.3 20.0 8.0
Latest 1.7 8.3 8.0 1.7
Percentage change -76% -52% -60% -79%

Baseline years 2003 - 2005

There are 10 mobile cameras and 1 fixed camera with a baseline period of 2003 to 2005 that are currently enforced.

Table A7: Accident and casualty averages for camera sites with baseline years 2003 - 2005

3-year averages
Baseline 9.0 24.3 26.0 9.0
Latest 2.0 16.7 11.7 2.0
Percentage change -78% -32% -55% -78%

Baseline years 2004 - 2006

There are no mobile cameras with a baseline period of 2004 to 2006 that are currently enforced.

Baseline years 2005 - 2007

There are 6 fixed cameras and 3 mobile cameras with a baseline period of 2005 to 2007 that are currently enforced.

Table A8: Accident and casualty averages for camera sites with baseline years 2005 - 2007

3-year averages
Baseline 5.3 18.7 10.0 4.3
Latest 0.7 3.7 3.3 0.7
Percentage change -88% -80% -67% -85%

Baseline years 2006 - 2008

There are 2 mobile cameras and 1 fixed camera with a baseline period of 2006 to 2008 that are currently enforced. However, these cameras do not have three full years' post-baseline data, as they were all enforced from April 2009. Therefore they are all excluded from the analyses herein.

Baseline years 2007 - 2009, 2008 - 2010 and 2009 - 2011

The baseline periods for these three sets of cameras overlap with the latest 3-year period, so comparative averages cannot yet be calculated.


Email: Howard Hooper

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