Adult learning strategy: island and communities impact assessment

Island and communities impact assessment for the adult learning strategy.

10. Monitoring and Review

10.1.1 The initial year of strategy implementation will be targeted at creating a baseline data set aligned to the development of a monitoring framework. This will enable a better understanding of the learning journeys that adult learners from island communities take.

10.1.2 The immediate focus of the strategy's initial stages of delivery are to engage across the sector and consult further to ensure that the views of adult learners, providers and practitioners are taken into account before further work is carried out on a number of high-level actions.

10.1.3 In March 2022 consultation began with adult learners from island communities and representatives from island authorities on how barriers to learning can be removed. This is the first piece of work conducted on the strategy's high level action collaborate with adult learners and equality groups to explore, define and remove barriers to learning.

10.1.4 The initial delivery of the strategy's high level actions will also focus on identifying gaps and availability in provision. This will enable a better understanding of how new approaches can be trialled and developed and will identify future policy interventions.

10.1.5 More specific policy interventions that are developed may pose island specific barriers. Policy officials will continually assess actions that may emerge as part of the strategy's dynamic action plan that may have a different impact on island communities and will conduct ICIAs accordingly.

10.1.6 Details of investment in the strategy are still to be worked through. Intended investment and its impact on island communities will also be considered during the development of funding plans and mechanisms and ICIAs will also be conducted accordingly.


I confirm that the impact of the Adult Learning Strategy has been sufficiently assessed:

Craig Robertson – Interim Deputy Director, Advanced Learning & Science



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