
Investment Planning and Prioritisation Group report: quarter 4 2021 to 2022

Investment Planning and Prioritisation Group (IPPG) report summarising Scottish Water's progress in developing interventions to address needs in the fourth quarter of 2021 to 2022.

Section 2 - Indicator of overall progress towards the Committed List

The indicator of overall Progress towards the Committed List (PCL) is a high-level measure of the overall volume of intervention development relative to what is required for expected investment levels in future years. This measure assesses whether we are promoting sufficient volumes through the stages in each of its development pathways.

PCL was created using a top-down approach by splitting the investment profile between each development pathway. PCL tracks the impact of project forecasts on future investment levels.

PCL was set at 100% to achieve the required investment profile in future years. A score of less than 100% indicates that the rate of overall progress in developing interventions may not be sufficient. A score of more than 100% indicates that the rate of overall progress is more than sufficient to achieve planned investment. Changes may occur due to 'positive' or 'negative' attrition. 'Positive attrition' occurs if forecast costs for an intervention have reduced or if the required delivery timescales have been extended. 'Negative attrition' occurs if forecasts costs have increased, or additional evidence is required which extends the project appraisal process.

At the end of 2021-22, PCL out turned at 117% indicating that we are developing sufficient volumes of investment across the programme to achieve planned investment in future years.

Some interventions are taking longer to progress through the appraisal process than was originally forecast (Section 3 provides an overview) and continue to be monitored closely. The development and commitment of other interventions that meet the MAs, that would have been held prior to commitment, have been progressed to maintain delivery efficiency.



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