Independent Review of Adult Disability Payment: consultation - easy read
The Chair of the Independent Review of Adult Disability Payment is consulting on people's views about the first year of delivery. This will be used to help inform recommendations to ensure that Adult Disability Payment meets the needs of disabled people.
Section 7 – Decision-making
Social Security Scotland gives people applying for and receiving Adult Disability Payment information about how they make decisions.

This includes making sure to consider people’s diverse backgrounds.

Question 11
Have you received a decision on an application for Adult Disability Payment?
Yes / No / Don’t Know
If you said “yes”, what do you think worked well and what did you think worked less well about receiving a decision about Adult Disability Payment?
A consultation is an appointment with a Social Security Scotland practitioner.
It is not a diagnosis or medical examination.

During a consultation the practitioner asks questions to help decide if someone can get Adult Disability Payment.

After a consultation, the practitioner writes a report to the case manager.
The case manager decides whether the person will get Adult Disability Payment.

Question 13
Were you invited to take part in a consultation as part of applying for Adult Disability Payment?
Yes / No / Don’t Know
Please tell us what you thought worked well and what worked less well about taking part in a consultation:
There is a problem
Thanks for your feedback