Inclusive participation in rural Scotland: research report

Preliminary exploration report details the findings of research into barriers to participation facing lesser heard voices in the context of rural Scotland. Specifically, it focuses on the LGBTI community, disabled people, carers and ethnic minorities.


1 A process whereby communities participate directly in the allocation of a proportion of the local budget.

2 Government Equalities Office (2018) Trans People in the UK. UK Government. Available here: Trans people in the UK (

3 Scottish Surveys Core Questions 2019 - ( The social survey core questions are questions asked in all large-scale surveys undertaken by the Scottish Government and facilitate regular updates on core demographic questions.

4 The SIMD is an area-based measure of deprivation in Scotland. There are 6,976 areas (data zones) each containing approximately 700-800 people. These areas are ranked from the least deprived to the most. This data may be stratified by quintile (i.e. into 5 groups), with each quintile corresponding to 20% of the data.

5 These are groups of community members that implement the LEADER rural development scheme, i.e. applying for funding to support local economic development projects.

6 More information about Disability Access Panels can be found here: Access Panel Network - Access Panels in Scotland

7 ‘Minority Stress’ has been described by the American Psychological Association as “…the relationship between minority and dominant values and resultant conflict with the social environment experienced by minority group members.” See here. The concept was developed in relation to the experience of LGBTI experiences but has been extended to other minority groups. For further discussion see Baams et al. (2015).



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