Health and social care: improving wellbeing and working cultures

Improving wellbeing and working cultures (IWWC), sets out our vision to enhance working cultures across our health, social care and social work workforce, through programmes of work at a national level that focus on the pillars of: wellbeing, leadership and equality.

8. Performance Measures

Measuring improvements to wellbeing and working culture can pose a significant challenge due to a range of factors including the occupational diversity of the workforce operating across a range of roles and geographies, a broad spectrum of wellbeing needs at both a professional and personal level and different reporting arrangements across sectors. There is additional challenge to looking at performance measurement through the lens of equality. This is because ere is workforce demographic data is largely voluntary. This means it is dependent on creating a culture within organisations where staff feel secure to divulge this information. The improvement of equality data as a whole continues to be a priority for the Scottish Government.

The Scottish Government’s current approach reflects a combination of survey feedback, insight from local and national stakeholder channels, academic research, data collected by regulators and partners and evaluation of nationally-led initiatives.

The Scottish Government has a wide range of well-established stakeholder networks who regularly provide feedback on areas of priority need, and to share best practice across health, adult social care and adult social work organisations. These networks are drawn from Health Boards, Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs), Local Authorities and the third, independent and private sectors.

We will continue to utilise these networks to gather feedback to monitor our progress, as well as exploring the use of additional surveys, aligning with other wellbeing programmes to draw on opportunities for gathering insight and scope further opportunities for longitudinal studies of the workforce. All of which will help build a picture of the lived experience of our workforce and help us to drive continuous improvement.



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