Improving Gypsy/Traveller sites: progress summary

Progress summary against 'Improving Gypsy/Traveller sites: guidance on minimum sites standards and site tenants' core rights and responsibilities' published in 2015.

Minimum Standards

The minimum standards cover two broad areas:

  • physical facilities and fabric, including the quality of fixtures and fittings, lighting, heating, and a hot and cold water supply; and
  • services provided by the site provider and how it treats site tenants.

Within the two broad areas above the standards have seven parts:

I. Essential Fabric Standards
II. Energy Efficiency
III. Facilities and Amenities
IV. Safety and Security
V. Maintenance and Repairs
VI. Fair Treatment
VII. Consultation

The standards are set out in detail and include indicators to help determine whether a standard is being met with notes on any additional issues that a site provider should consider and take into account.

This report considers each standard against the relevant indicators and sets out the information provided by the self-assessments and that gathered from site residents.


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