
Implementation of the Certification of Death (Scotland) Act 2011 - Consultation on the Expedited "not staying registration" Procedure

This consultation seeks views on one aspect of the planned changes to the death certification process in Scotland, which will be implemented from spring 2014. Specifically, it seeks views on the arrangements that should be in place for any rare situations where there is a need and a clear rationale for a funeral to proceed within a specific timescale and where that timescale may not be met if the standard review procedure is followed.

7. Guidance, Training and Communications

7.1 The Scottish Government will produce Guidance informed by the views provided in response to this consultation. This Guidance will set out the procedures that registrars and Medical Reviewers will follow. It is expected that the Guidance will be reviewed regularly, to ensure the expedited procedure is fit for purpose. It is also expected that requests to not stay registration will be peer reviewed regularly by other Medical Reviewers to improve consistency of decision-making process and to reduce variation.

7.2 The outcome of the consultation, and the Guidance which is produced as a result, will also inform educational and training materials to be produced by NHS Education Scotland, which will be in place prior to the launch of the new process.

7.3 Ahead of the launch of the new death certification process a range of communications will be undertaken with the public and professionals to make them aware of the new system. It is expected that the information materials available to bereaved families will include detailed information on the procedure for not staying registration (expedited procedure) and when it might apply.

Question 7: Do you agree that these approaches are sensible? Is there anything else that should be considered in relation to guidance around the procedure not to stay registration (expedited procedure)?


Email: Sarah Dillon

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