Routine protective measures in schools, early learning and childcare (ELC) settings and daycare of children's services: impact assessments

Impact assessments of revised schools guidance and guidance for the Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) sector which seek to ensure routine protective measures are a proportionate and appropriate response to competing harms.

4. Context

Our management of the COVID-19 pandemic has been guided by a Strategic Framework updated in February, June, and November 2021, and most recently in February 2022 to reflect Scotland's response to various stages of the pandemic. This most recent update articulates a shift in our strategic intent - supported by the remarkable progress first on vaccination and also in new treatments - from a focus on suppressing cases to managing COVID effectively, primarily through adaptations and health measures that strengthen our resilience and recovery as we rebuild for a better future.

This Impact Assessment is to collate in one place our understanding of the impact of the steps we have taken at a national level, and to inform any future decision making for similar events at a local or national level. It builds on the earlier publications of an initial impact assessment which supported the strategic framework for re-opening schools and early learning and childcare settings.

This document considers the impact on children, their families and the education and childcare workforce. It covers the scope of:

An Equalities Impact Assessment (EQIA)

In line with The Equality Act (2010), the EQIA element considers the impact of the outlined policy decisions on the nine protected characteristics, namely Age, Disability, Sex, Gender reassignment, Pregnancy & maternity, Race, Religion or belief, Sexual orientation, Marriage & civil partnership.

An Island Communities Impact Assessment (ICIA)

Considers impacts on those living in island communities.

A Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment (FSDA)

Reflecting the Scottish Government's commitment to Fairer Scotland Duty Assessments since April 2018, this document considers how socio-economic disadvantage may impact on the experiences of people affected by these decisions.



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