Housing statistics quarterly update: December 2020
Trends in approvals, starts and completions in the Affordable Housing Supply Programme, as well as annual statistics in Long Term Empty Properties and Second Homes
Housing Statistics for Scotland Quarterly Update: Affordable Housing Supply, and Long-Term Empty Properties and Second Homes (published 15 December 2020)
This statistical publication provides information on recent trends in
- The number of quarterly Affordable Housing Supply Programme approvals, starts and completions to end September 2020.
- The latest annual statistics on Long-Term Empty Properties and Second homes as at September 2020.
The latest quarterly statistics on new housebuilding that would usually be included in this publication have been delayed, as some local authorities have been unable to provide new build data to the usual timescales due to COVID-19 related staffing and resourcing issues. Further information on this is available in Section 4, which also includes reference to separate published figures from the UK House Price Index on the number of new build sales transactions completed, as an alternative measure of private-led housebuilding activity up to end June 2020.
![Quarterly Affordable Housing Supply Programme (AHSP) completions from 2016 to 2020](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/statistics/2020/12/housing-statistics-scotland-quarterly-update/SCT11205333481_g01.gif)
Background information including Excel tables and explanatory notes on data sources and quality are available in the Housing Statistics webpages.
Email: housingstatistics@gov.scot
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