Housing to 2040

Housing to 2040 sets out a vision for housing in Scotland to 2040 and a route map to get there. It aims to deliver our ambition for everyone to have a safe, good quality and affordable home that meets their needs in the place they want to be.

05 Next Steps

We now have a confirmed Vision and a set of supporting Principles to guide housing policy – and more – over the next twenty years. And we have set out a range of policies and actions to get us there.

There is much to be done with our partners to deliver those actions and develop the detailed plans to deliver the outcomes we all want to achieve. And, as COVID-19 has shown us, we must always remain agile so we can respond to new challenges and new priorities.

Over the coming months, we will set up a governance process and a monitoring framework so that we and others can assess progress towards the Vision and be held accountable. This will include stakeholders and end users, meaning we will be accountable to tenants and home owners too.

Our first step will be to review, with stakeholders, the Housing and Regeneration Outcome Indicator Framework to make sure it aligns with Housing to 2040 and helps to give us the insight we and others need to check our progress and ensure we are promoting equality in our work.

Using that information will provide an overview of the outcomes achieved from the work set out in Housing 2040. There will be separate, more detailed evaluation of specific programmes and policies at appropriate points in their cycle. We will undertake periodic reviews of Housing to 2040, setting out the progress we are making and identifying where changes might be needed to correct our course.

There is much to be done but there is much to gain. Housing matters. If we get it right, we will not only make our homes and communities better places to live, work and grow up for people now, but we will make them better places for future generations to come by building a greener, fairer and stronger Scotland.


Email: Housing2040@gov.scot

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