Heat Networks Regulation Working Group: recommendations

A report advising the Scottish Government on legislative support for heat networks.

Next Steps

27. The Group has carried out its initial remit in very short timescales, in light of the possibility of legislation coming forward in this area.

28. Now that a Bill has been confirmed in the coming year, the Working Group is at this stage providing an Interim Report to provide evidence and advice to the Scottish Government to inform its legislation.

29. However, there are several further areas in which the Group believes the Scottish Government could help to create a supportive environment for the sector to grow.

30. In addition to the key findings above, the Working Group recommends that a refreshed Group should to meet discuss wider policy. The Group noted that a refreshed remit could not be fully confirmed before further detail on the content of the Bill was provided. However, it was initially felt that issues to be discussed could include:

  • Public funding for strategic network infrastructure and low-carbon heat generation;
  • Non-domestic Rates;
  • Planning policy;
  • Building Standards/regulations;
  • Procurement;
  • Community engagement / ownership;
  • Demand risk;
  • Consumer protection; and
  • LHEES.

31. It was also felt that the Group could provide a forum for: providing updates during the passage of the Bill; shaping subsequent regulations following the passage of the Bill; considering how to support smaller, existing networks with the impacts of regulation being introduced; and engagement between government and those working in the sector commercially to understand how policies work in practice in the development of heat networks.


Email: james.hemphill@gov.scot

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