
Heat network projects: quarterly report - June 2024

Information on the capital and pre-capital projects which have been funded through Scotland's Heat Network Fund, Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme, Social Housing Net Zero Heat Fund and the Heat Network Support Unit.

Heat Network Pre-capital Projects

Edinburgh BioQuarter

Feasibility Summary

Metric Value
Annual Heat Demand (GWh) 88.8
Total CAPEX (£m) 50.3
IRR (%) 8.1
Lifetime Carbon Savings (tCO2) 44,800

Lead organisation

City of Edinburgh Council

Project Stage:

Pre-capital – Detailed feasibility study complete

Technology type(s):

Proposed new heat network and potential connection to existing heat network (primary heat source: energy from waste)


BioQuarter site, Little France Drive, Edinburgh

Type of support:

£47,125 HNSU grant and advisory support

Project Timeframe:

Feasibility Study completed May 2023. Stakeholders developing next steps.

Project description:

The project explores the supply of heat to the Edinburgh BioQuarter site via a heat network. This is proposed to serve new buildings on Edinburgh’s BioQuarter site masterplan, with connection to existing buildings on site in due course, including the NHS Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People, and the potential to serve social housing off-site. The feasibility study examines the potential for a new heat network and potential connection to Midlothian Energy Limited’s Heat Network, the first phase of which is currently in construction.

Figure 16. Aerial view of the Edinburgh BioQuarter site (Credit: Oberlanders Architects)

Dundee Caird Park

Lead organisation:

Dundee City Council

Feasibility Summary
Metric Value
Annual Heat Demand (MWh) 10,377
Total CAPEX (£m) 5.2
IRR (%) 4%
Lifetime Carbon Savings (tCO2) 57,719

Project Stage:

Pre-capital – Detailed feasibility study complete

Technology type(s):

Existing heat network extension


Regional Performance Centre for Sport, Dundee

Type of support:

£34,000 HNSU grant

Project Timeframe:

Feasibility report completed March 2023. Council considering next steps as part of LHEES.

Project description:

The Caird Park project was originally supported by the Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme. A pre-feasibility study to expand the network was published in January 2022 as part of an initiative to boost heat networks by the Scottish Cities Alliance. This study analysed opportunities to expand the existing network towards additional heating loads (a school, a college, a sports centre and a gymnastics centre). The project aims to assess the viability of these additional connections.

Figure 17. Regional Performance Centre, Dundee (Credit: Dundee City Council)



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