
Heat network projects: quarterly report - June 2024

Information on the capital and pre-capital projects which have been funded through Scotland's Heat Network Fund, Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme, Social Housing Net Zero Heat Fund and the Heat Network Support Unit.

Heat Network Capital Projects

Ashgill Road Low Carbon Heat Project

Lead organisation:

Lowther Homes Ltd

Project Stage:

Capital - Construction

Technology type(s):

Shared ground loop array heating system with ground source heat pumps


Milton, Glasgow

Type of Support:

£388,074 SHNF Grant

Project Timeframe:

Predicted commissioning 15/04/2025

Project description:

Lowther Homes Ltd (part of Wheatley Group) have been awarded £388,074 worth of funding to install a shared ground loop heat pump system at Ashgill Road, Milton, Glasgow. The project will provide low carbon heating and hot water to a 48-unit new build affordable housing development.

The project began on site in October 2023 and complete in April 2025.

Figure 1. 3D Image of Lowther Homes affordable housing development plan (Credit: Collective Architecture)

Brandon St, Motherwell – Commissioning of a communal heating system for 48 new building social housing units

Lead organisation:

North Lanarkshire Council

Project Stage:

Capital - Construction

Technology type(s):

Shared ground loop array heating system with ground source heat pumps


Motherwell, North Lanarkshire

Type of Support:

£415,432 SHNF Grant

Project Timeframe:

Predicted commissioning December 2024

Project description:

North Lanarkshire Council will install a zero direct emissions communal heating system consisting of a shared ground array and heat pumps which will supply heat for 48 social rented flats in Motherwell. The low emissions heat system will provide carbon savings for tenants, reducing their energy bills and contributing to fuel poverty and net zero targets.

The project began construction in March 2023 and is due to commission in December 2024.

Figure 2. 3D image of North Lanarkshire Council’s social housing project plan (© Coltart Earley Architects)

Torry Heat Network – Phase 2

Lead organisation:

Aberdeen City Council

Project Stage:

Capital - Construction

Technology type(s):

Expansion of Torry Heat Network using waste heat from Energy from Waste Plant


Torry, Aberdeen

Type of Support:

£8,971,492.00 SHNF Grant

Project Timeframe:

Predicted commissioning March 2026

Project description:

This project expands the Torry Heat Network Phase 1 which was part funded by the Scottish Government’s Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme. The heat network distributes heat from a Heat Distribution Facility at Tullos Recycling Centre and a heat offtake at the new Energy from Waste plant at Tullos. Phase 2 will see the connection of a community hub to the network, and enable connections to a further 587 homes. As part of the project, there will be a wider engagement strategy to encourage wider uptake.

The second phase is due to commission in March 2026.

Figure 3. Torry Heat Network Energy Centre (© Ewan Jures, WSP UK Ltd)

Aberdeen City Council Housing Project - Kaimhill

Lead organisation:

Aberdeen City Council

Project Stage:

Capital - Construction

Technology type(s):

Installation of a ground loop shared array with heat pumps


Garthdee, Aberdeen

Type of Support:

£306,525 SHNF Grant

Project Timeframe:

Predicted commissioning date July 2024

Project description:

The project will install a zero direct emissions heat network consisting of a shared ground array with heat pumps to provide affordable heat to 35 new homes at the Kaimhill development site in Garthdee, Aberdeen. The 35 homes will be comprised of a mix of 3 or 4 bedroom terraced houses and bungalows and are part of Aberdeen City Council’s social housing stock.

Figure 4. Aerial view of the Kaimhill Development site in Garthdee (© Aberdeen City Council)



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