
Health and social care: winter resilience overview 2022 to 2023

Sets out the range of actions we are taking to support our health and social sector throughout the winter period.

Priority Five.

Protect planned care with a focus on continuing to reduce long waits.

Unfortunately, Boards have had to take the difficult decision over the last two winters to step down planned care in order to treat patients requiring emergency treatment. Given the impact this has had on waiting lists, and on patients themselves, we are committed to protecting planned care throughout this winter. Following the recently set ambitious targets, Health Boards have made significant progress in reducing the number of people waiting more than two years for an outpatient appointment by end of August, 71% (10 of 14) of territorial Health Boards reported five patients or fewer waiting more than two years. We will continue to work closely with the Boards to maximise planned care capacity; and where the majority of long waits in some specialities remain, to ensure these are cleared as quickly as possible.

How we will deliver this priority:

  • We are working to deliver ambitious targets to eliminate long waits through a joined-up NHS Scotland approach, which includes cross boundary working and maximising use of national boards, such as the Golden Jubilee Hospital.
  • Through the Centre for Sustainable Delivery, we are developing ‘Once for Scotland’ pathways to deliver additional capacity across Scotland, harnessing digital opportunities and new options to access and deliver patient care.
  • We are developing a Waiting Well framework to support people as they wait for treatment.
  • We are working with Boards to open four new National Treatment Centres within the next year – in NHS Fife, NHS Forth Valley, NHS Highland and NHS Golden Jubilee.
  • We are continuing to implement the Endoscopy and Urology Delivery Plan.
  • We are working with Boards to implement Diagnostic Imaging recovery plans to increase diagnostic capacity, workforce and activity across Scotland.
  • Through our routine engagement and tailored support we will continue to work with Health Boards to reduce Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS) and Psychological Therapies (PT) waiting times, including very long waits and improve overall performance.
  • We are providing tailored support to Boards via weekly calls with NHS Cancer Teams and hands-on support to most challenged Boards.
  • We are working with Boards to embed the Framework for Effective Cancer Management.



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