
Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) Practice Guidance 3 – The role of the lead professional

This guidance on the role of the lead professional aims to clarify who would be the appropriate practitioner to fulfil this role and the responsibilities in the management of a child’s plan.

5. Who should be the lead professional?

Any practitioner or professional providing support to the child or young person could be identified as the lead professional. This includes any person working across the universal services of health, social work and education (including early years), as well as a person from a third sector organisation or specialist service. The named person (see glossary) (please see Practice Guidance 2) who may have previously overseen a single agency plan for the child or young person and their family may become the lead professional if they are the most suitable person to fulfil that role. The lead professional should remain in this role for as long as it is appropriate and this should be reviewed regularly.



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