
Getting involved in designing the National Care Service (easy read)

Easy read description of how to get involved in the Lived Experience Experts Panel and National Care Service Stakeholder Register.

Get involved in designing the National Care Service

The National Care Service is the new way that people will get health and social care services.

Social care is services that support people with daily living so they can be as independent as possible.

It is likely that everyone in Scotland will be involved in the National Care Service at some point in their lives.

You may need to use its services or have family or friends who do, or you may work in it.

We want to have a National Care Service that gives people in Scotland the care they need.

To do that, we need to hear what people think.

This is what co-design means - everyone working together to understand each other's needs and make sure we design the right thing.

This will make sure we get a future organisation that works for everyone.

We are looking for people to help us understand:

  • what changes are needed
  • if these changes are possible

We want to hear from you.

Here are two ways to take part.



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