
General Practice Access Short Life Working Group: access principles

High level core access principles to support and enhance people’s experience of accessing ‘The Right Care, Right Time, Right Place’.

9. Appendix 1 - Short Life Working Group Terms of Reference and membership


Understand the challenges and issues affecting access to General Practice and where required improve access to General Practice to support and enhance the people experience of accessing the ‘Right Care, Right Place and Right Time.’

9.1 Outcomes and Deliverables

1. Identify all the programmes of work currently in progress across the system that impact on access in General Practice (both positive and negative).

2. Develop Good Access principles for General Practice and people based upon best evidence and data where available.

3. Share agreed Access principles with the wider system including across Scottish Government and external stakeholders to develop a greater understanding of access to General Practice and a consistency of approach by programmes and initiatives.

4. Endorse and disseminate resources to stakeholders to support improvements in Access in General Practice such as the Primary Care Access Programme (HIS) and the Developing roles for Practice Managers and Administrative staff (NES) work and support the development of new access resources as identified by the group.

5. Identify any gaps and support required to improve access for people with particular consideration to priority Scottish Government areas such as Health Inequalities, Carers, Women’s Health, Dementia, Veterans, Rural etc in line with SG strategies including Realistic Medicine, GIRFE, PPC etc.

6. Identify the links between Access and other issues/ workstreams such as Sustainability, Digital, Winter Pressures, Urgent and Unscheduled Care, Public messaging to ensure a greater understanding and consistency of approach.

7. Consider how primary care activity data can be used to understand and support access arrangements and improve people’s experience.

8. Consider how this groups can work with and influence the wider system re the role of General Practice and the impact of work being passed from the wider system inappropriately to General Practice

9. Review the impact of the above and consider next steps.

9.2 Scope

Peoples access to all General Practices in Scotland is within the scope of the group.

Out with the scope of the group is issues affecting capacity in general practice such as workforce issues, issues affecting general practice sustainability, Protected Learning Time and work focussed on individual workstreams/ strategies.

9.3 Membership


Fiona Duff, Senior Advisor, Scottish Government

Dr Scott Jamieson, General Practitioner (Co-chair)

Royal College of General Practitioners:

Dr Mary Ann Burrow, GP

Dr David Shackles, Joint Chair RCGP Scotland

Dr Chris Williams, Joint Chair RCGP Scotland

Scottish General Practitioners Committee (BMA):

Dr Andrew Cowie, Deputy Chair

Dr Patricia Moultrie, Deputy Chair

Health & Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs):

Lorna Kelly, National Strategic Lead for Primary Care

Primary Care Leads - Clinical:

Dr Helen Hellewell (NHS Fife)

Dr Scott Williams (NHS Forth Valley)

Primary Care Management Leads:

Louise McCallum (NHS Forth Valley),

Michelle Taylor (NHS Western Isles),

Patient Representative:

Chris Corkish, RCGP Patient Forum

NHS Education for Scotland (Practice Managers Network):

Tracey Crickett, National Lead

Jan McCulloch, Practice Manager, Barns Practice, Ayr

Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS):

Primary Care - April Masson & Belinda Robertson

Community Engagement Team - Christine Johnstone, Gary McGrow, Tony McGowan

Scottish Government, Primary Care Directorate:

GP Contract team – Andrew Chapman/ Michael Taylor / Nikki Rae

Sustainability – Nick Smith

Data & Digital – Sarah Lowry

Urgent and Unscheduled Care – Dr John Freestone and Dahrlene Tough, Scottish Ambulance Service

Professional Advisors - Kathy Kenmuir, Senior Nurse Advisor, Primary Care Directorate



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