GDP Quarterly National Accounts: 2024 Quarter 3 (July to September)

An accredited official statistics publication.

This release includes updated estimates of gross domestic product (GDP) for Scotland, along with a range of additional economic statistics which are used for economic forecasting and modelling.

Updates to tables

In this release there have been several changes to the data tables published with the Quarterly national accounts.

Within the summary tables dataset, all tables have been renamed using titles which are similar to the equivalent dataset published by the ONS for UK GDP statistics. Some components have also been moved between tables or provided with greater breakdowns. This is intended to make it simpler for users to find comparable data for analysis.

As part of this update, estimates of public sector revenues (previously Table J) have been discontinued from the quarterly national accounts. These estimates are not directly produced as part of the GDP system and are not linked to other components within the quarterly national accounts. Users can access data on devolved revenues directly from Revenue Scotland, and on UK total revenues from the ONS Public Sector Finances. Annual estimates of public sector revenues raised in Scotland are available in Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland.

Other notable changes are:

  • the contents of the statistics in development Table X2 on breakdowns of household redistribution of income have been removed from the summary tables, but continue to be available in the supplementary tables.
  • estimates of GDP including a population share of extra regio activity have been removed from the summary tables but continue to be available in the supplementary tables.
  • the title of the gross fixed capital formation breakdowns previously published in Table X1 have been renamed to more accurately reflect their contents and to discourage direct comparisons with the UK series for business and government investment, which are defined and measured in different ways.

The supplementary tables dataset has also been updated with renumbered tables to remove gaps caused by the withdrawal and consolidation of previous tables over time.


For enquiries about this publication please contact:

National Accounts Unit,
Directorate for Chief Economist

For general enquiries about Scottish Government statistics please contact:
Office of the Chief Statistician

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