
Freedom of information - extension of coverage: consultation analysis

Summary of responses to the Scottish Government's consultation exercise on extension of FOISA, which ran from 30 August to 3 December 2019. The consultation sought views on the future use of Scottish Ministers' powers under section 5 to extend coverage of the Act.

Annex: list of responses from organisations

Archives and Records Association (UK & Ireland)

Campaign for Freedom of Information in Scotland

CCPS - The Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland

Church of Scotland/CrossReach

Citizens Advice Bureau

Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations' Council

Enable Scotland

Midlothian Voluntary Action

Moray Council

National Trust for Scotland

Scottish Charity Regulator

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

Scottish Federation Housing Association

Scottish Information Commissioner

Scottish Water

Scottish Women's Aid

Serco Ltd

Unison Scotland

Four other organisations who responded indicated they did not wish their responses to be published.



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