
Freedom of information - extension of coverage: consultation analysis

Summary of responses to the Scottish Government's consultation exercise on extension of FOISA, which ran from 30 August to 3 December 2019. The consultation sought views on the future use of Scottish Ministers' powers under section 5 to extend coverage of the Act.

Our next steps

As noted earlier in this paper, this consultation exercise has taken place concurrently with post-legislative scrutiny of FOISA undertaken by the Scottish Parliament's Public Audit and Post-Legislative Scrutiny Committee. We intend to consider the responses to this consultation together with the evidence on extension given to the Committee, and in light of any recommendations the Committee may make about extension.

It is our intention therefore to produce a paper setting out our proposed approach to the use of the Scottish Ministers' section 5 powers in spring 2020.

Ultimately, as required by FOISA, any proposed section 5 order to extend the Act to new organisations will be subject to further, targeted consultation with the affected organisations, and with the wider public.



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