
Free Personal and Nursing Care, Scotland, 2022-23

Statistics release presenting data on the number of people aged 18 and over that benefit from Free Personal Care (FPC) and Free Nursing Care (FNC) in Scotland, and the amount that Local Authorities spend on personal care services.

Possible reasons for exceptions to trends in data

Any large year-on-year or quarter-on-quarter increases or decreases in data for a single Local Authority (available in the supplementary data tables) may be due to one or more of the below reasons:

  • changes in recording methodology
  • changes to the allocation of services and funding, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic for financial year 2020-21
  • the cost of living crisis reducing the number of people who meet the self-funding threshold for Care Homes
  • families changing work patterns to enable them to provide Care at Home for longer
  • anxiety about going into a Care Home because of Covid-19, so some people are contacting social work later than previously
  • when a husband or wife is their spouse’s main carer, they are more often choosing to stay in their home when one of them goes into care


If you have any questions about this publication, or suggestions for what we could do better next year, please contact the Social Care Analytical Unit (SCAU):

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