
Forensic Paediatrics A Report by the Short Life Working Group

Report outlining findings and recommendations from expert group

Chapter 4 Training and Skills for Forensic Physicians

1. The Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine (FFLM) is the governing body for forensic physician training.  All forensic physicians are encouraged to be a member of the Faculty but membership is variable.  The FFLM produced Quality Standards in Forensic Medicine (2010) and has a membership course (approved in 2010). FFLM collaborates with other colleges including Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) and RCPCH to run the Diploma (DFCASA) which provides basic competency levels in forensic work.  In addition, the General Medical Council (GMC) agreed in March 2011 to recognise GP’s with additional expertise in this area as credentialing towards being a specialist.  An introductory course for forensic physicians carrying out the examination of children should be mandatory but there is no individual who has national responsibility for the quality of forensic physicians who carry out paediatric examinations.  There are now clear requirements for forensic physicians who examine children to have a minimum level of competency and skill, evidence of training and CPD (50 credits per year), peer review and have undertaken a minimum caseload.

2. Any doctor (paediatrician or forensic physician) who undertakes a forensic assessment of a child who may have been subjected to sexual abuse must have particular skills. The appropriate skills of a Forensic Physician are detailed in "The Role of the Forensic Physician (Sept 2010)" and "Quality Standards in Forensic Medicine, General Forensic (GFM) and Sexual Offence Medicine (SOM), Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians of London".

3. There are no national requirements for governance or training systems within the current terms of employment of forensic physicians. However, the Scottish Government has funded a 3 year pilot project in Tayside providing forensic medical and healthcare in police custody settings (FMS). This project allows the development of suitable supports and governance of the forensic physician services for children who have suffered sexual abuse.


Email: Fiona McKinlay

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