Education and Skills Freedom of Information statistics: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

Information requested

In your email, you requested the following information:

1. The number of FOIs submitted to the Scottish Government regarding Education and Skills from 1 to 31 December 2023. By Education, I am referring to any subject that may fall under the remit of the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, the Minister for higher and further education and the Minister for children, young people and keeping the promise.

2. The number of those FOIs cleared by EITHER; Jenny Gilruth, Graeme Dey or Natalie Don, before release/publication.

3. The number of those FOIs that have not yet received a response.


1. The number of FOIs submitted to the Scottish Government regarding Education and Skills from 1 to 31 December 2023. By Education, I am referring to any subject that may fall under the remit of the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, the Minister for higher and further education and the Minister for children, young people and keeping the promise.

For the purposes of responding to this request we have interpreted that the term ‘FOI request’ refers to both requests and reviews that have been responded to under FOI(S)A and requests and reviews that have been responded to under the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (EIRS).

46 requests fitting the above criteria which fell within the remit of the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, the Minister for Higher and Further Education and the Minister for Children, Young People and Keeping the Promise were submitted in December 2024.

2. The number of those FOIs cleared by EITHER; Jenny Gilruth, Graeme Dey or Natalie Don, before release/publication.

As of 9 January 2024, none of the requests within scope had been cleared by a portfolio Minister.

3. The number of those FOIs that have not yet received a response.

We interpreted this aspect of your request as asking how many FOIs received in December 2023 were awaiting a response as of 9th January 2024.

31 requests received in December 2023 was unanswered as of 9th January 2024.

About FOI

The Scottish Government is committed to publishing all information released in response to Freedom of Information requests. View all FOI responses at


Please quote the FOI reference
Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
Regent Road

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