Education Scotland chaired RSHP National Steering Group: FOI release
- Published
- 31 March 2020
- FOI reference
- FOI/202000019551
- Date received
- 6 March 2020
- Date responded
- 31 March 2020
Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002
Information requested
1. What was Education Scotland's role in the commissioning steering group?
2. Please provide any copies of correspondence (including meeting notes, agendas, notes from telephone discussions and/or conference calls and emails and attachments) between staff at Education Scotland and staff at other member bodies of the commissioning steering group concerning the RSHP resource available at
3. Is Education Scotland involved now, or has ES been involved in the past, with the quality assurance of the RSHP materials available at If so, please provide any copies of meeting notes, agendas, notes from telephone discussions and/or conference calls and emails and attachments concerning the quality assurance of the materials.
Education Scotland’s advice in respect to the development of the resource was centred around ensuring that the resource aligned to Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) including the HWB/RSHP Experiences and Outcomes and benchmarks and the Personal and Social Education Thematic Review.
1. Education Scotland played an advisory role within the commissioning steering group: to ensure that CfE/HWB/RSHP/PSE was built in to the specification of the commissioned resource and throughout the development phase of the resource.
2. Please find attached the agendas and minutes of the RSHP National Steering Group chaired by Education Scotland. The national steering group is a national forum for sharing practice and information on RSHP, including but wider than the RSHP resource.
3. The quality assurance came from the collaborative approach used to develop this resource, involving a network of over 1500 professionals and partners over the last two years. It was piloted in 38 schools across the country. Teachers, practitioners and parents/carers used the draft resource and provided feedback to ensure that the resource contained factual information as well as learning activities that are age and stage appropriate.
While our aim is to provide information whenever possible, in this instance we are unable to provide some of the information because an exemption under section 36(1), claim to confidentiality of communications of FOISA and section 38(1)(b) (personal information) of FOISA applies to the information.
The reasons why these exemptions apply are explained in the Annex to this letter.
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