Scottish Budget 2021 to 2022: final outturn report

Report to present a statement of Final Outturn for the financial year 2021 to 2022 against the statutory limits authorised through the appropriate legislative processes by the Scottish Parliament.


20. The Scottish Government's approach means that budgets are carefully managed across more than one year, with limited funding carried forward into the following year to support budget plans approved by the Scottish Parliament. This approach recognises fluctuations in demand and associated costs across spending review periods, ensuring no loss of spending power in Scotland. Table 3 below sets out the final Reserve carry forward position. As indicated above the majority of the £699 million underspend was already included in the 2022-23 funding position with the remainder fully allocated during 2022-23 as part of the Autumn and Spring Budget Revision processes.

Table 3 – Scotland Reserve 2021-22
Scotland Reserve 2021-22 Resource Capital Financial Transactions Total
  £million £million £million £million
Provisional Outturn (421) (183) (46) (650)
Movement (183) 102 32 (49)
Final Outturn (604) (81) (14) (699)



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