Fees charged for applications under the Electricity Act 1989 consultation: our response

Our response to the consultation on proposals to revise fees paid for applications under the Electricity Act 1989, providing details of the changes which Ministers intend to implement. The decision to increase fees follows a careful consideration of all the points raised by respondents to our consultation.

4. Service improvements

4.1 The consultation document explained how a shortfall in cost recovery was inconsistent with the standard approach in the Scottish Public Finance Manual that charging for public services should aim to achieve full cost recovery. The Scottish Government’s energy consents functions have been heavily subsidised to date and to achieve full cost recovery, any increase in fees would have to address this imbalance before any new resources could become available. Taking steps to address the shortfall would however help secure the service levels we currently provide, and enable us to continue the service improvements we have piloted successfully regarding pre-application engagement.

4.2 The service improvements we would like to deliver include responding to demands to more proactively project manage application processes to deliver greater certainty around determination timescales.

4.3 We intend to continue to support discussion with a range of consultees during the assessment of the application, and at pre-application stage to limit the incidence and scope where additional information has to be sought from applicants.

4.4 Several respondents commented that timely decision making by Scottish Ministers depends on timely responses from the Planning Authorities, and also noted the importance of sufficient resourcing in the Planning Authorities. The consultation proposed capping the voluntary contribution to Planning Authorities at current monetary values. We have decided that the remuneration to Planning Authorities for onshore applications should be greater than proposed by the consultation. Following implementation of the revised fees, the Scottish Government will provide a voluntary contribution to Planning Authorities equivalent to one half of the fee received for every onshore electricity generation application under section 36 and 36C of the Act for which the revised fee has been paid. Ministers will also implement a voluntary contribution to Planning Authorities of one half of the revised application fee for EIA development applications under section 37 of the Act for which the revised fee has been paid.


Email: Energy Consents Unit

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