Faith and belief engagement strategy

Sets out our vision for engagement with Scotland’s diverse faith and belief communities; the aims and outcomes of improved engagement; and the principles underpinning good engagement.

Internal Engagement

We recognise the need for improved knowledge, awareness and understanding of faith and belief across Scottish Government as a whole. Part of the role of the Faith and Belief Policy Team is to undertake internal engagement, raising the profile of faith and belief in policy, and helping to develop an increased knowledge base amongst colleagues in all areas of Scottish Government.

This will enable faith and belief aspects of equality to be mainstreamed across government in the external policy development process. A strengthened EQIA process will also help faith and belief partners to understand and give due consideration to the balance with other protected characteristics, and the mainstreaming of all equalities through Scottish Government policy.

Embedding this knowledge and understanding will also support greater inclusion of faith and belief communities in working with Scottish Government to help deliver on shared priorities. For example, helping to alleviate the impacts of social isolation and loneliness or of poverty within communities in Scotland.

A range of internal engagement activities and actions will be carried out including but not limited to:

  • An internal communications plan focussed on faith and belief in policy across Scottish Government.
  • Regular engagement between the faith and belief team with other policy teams across Scottish Government, on issues pertaining to faith and belief communities.
  • Support for direct engagement between faith and belief stakeholders and relevant Scottish Government policy teams.
  • Support for improved consideration of faith and belief input and alignment with other strategies, including the Hate Crime Strategy, Mainstreaming Equalities Strategy and the Equalities Evidence Strategy.
  • Engagement with teams who are developing new funding opportunities for third sector organisations, to support faith and belief inclusion.
  • Improved guidance and support for Scottish Government officials in assessing the impact of proposed new or revised policies or practices, on those with the protected characteristic of religion or belief, as part of the EQIA process.
  • Supporting a faith and belief presence in the Scottish Government corporate Diversity and Inclusion calendar of events.



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