Faith and belief engagement strategy

Sets out our vision for engagement with Scotland’s diverse faith and belief communities; the aims and outcomes of improved engagement; and the principles underpinning good engagement.


In this document we use the following terms:

Faith and belief communities refers to communities centred around a shared religious or philosophical world-view, usually comprising metaphysical beliefs, ethical frameworks and acts of worship or celebration of life events.

Religion or belief is the protected characteristic of "religion or belief" as defined in the Equality Act 2010.

Interfaith refers to activity that has as its central purpose, dialogue and relations between those of different faiths and beliefs.

Multi-faith refers to the involvement of several faith and belief organisations e.g. a multi-faith foodbank may involve different faith groups. It may lead to good interfaith relations but that is not its primary purpose.

Engagement refers to all forms of contact, communication and collaboration between two or more parties, with an approach of active participation.



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