Fair Work: action plan

This document sets out the strategic approach the Scottish Government is taking to help achieve the 2025 vision for Fair Work.

7. Online Service for Small And Micro Employers

During 2019, we will work with employers and employer organisations to develop support for small and micro employers seeking to adopt Fair Work practices in their businesses. This action recognises the challenges that smaller employers face, particularly those without their own human resource departments or employees.

The support will include access to online advice, linked to the Enterprise and Skills single portal, and will build on existing networks to bring information and advice into a coherent, accessible and sustainable gateway.

Note: The Fair Work Employer Support Tool was launched on 29 January 2021 to enable employers to self-assess their fair work practices and access support to strengthen their approaches. The tool currently aims to support small and medium-sized enterprises and will be further developed to support very small and micro organisations.


Email: Ruaridh.Hayes@gov.scot

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