Fair Work action plan 2022 and Anti-Racist Employment Strategy 2022: business and regulatory impact assessment

Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) of the Fair Work Action Plan 2022 and Anti-Racist Employment Strategy 2022.

6. Assessment of Anti-Racist Employment Strategy

Action 1: Establish a platform for exchanging learning and good operational practice among employers - practice that is anti-racist and intersectional in its approach.

This action sits within RAP action 3.1, and is therefore assessed in Section 5 above.

Action 2: Undertake evaluation of the 'Minority Ethnic Recruitment Toolkit' to ensure it remains fit for purpose (anti-racist and intersectional) and is applied across the public sector. Consider augmenting the toolkit to include other accessible support sources, including those for retention and progression.

This action sits within RAP action 3.1, and is therefore assessed in Section 5 above.

Action 3: Promote and disseminate learning and practice that shows positive change in employers' end to end processes to increase representation of racialised minorities.

This action sits within RAP action 3.1, and is therefore assessed in Section 5 above.

Action 4: Develop an intersectional and anti-racist training framework for public and private sector employers by which to assess their training needs and improve the quality of training offered in the organisation.

This action sits within RAP action 3.7, and is therefore assessed in Section 5 above.

Action 5: Produce guidance on positive action to support employers across the public sector and promote this guidance through a series of engagement sessions.

This action sits within RAP action 3.5, and is therefore assessed in Section 5 above.

Action 6: By the end of 2025 we will review and disseminate learning and best practice on the conclusion of the 2024 Workplace Equality Fund.

This action sits within RAP action 3.4, and is therefore assessed in Section 5 above.

Action 7: Oversee pilot to improve engagement of employers and employability services with racialised minority communities. Includes work to support EQIA process among employers. To improve the quality of assessments and how the practice can be embedded at the start of a process or policy development.

This action sits within RAP action 4.3, and is therefore assessed in Section 5 above.

Action 8: We will work with Labour Market Analysis colleagues to run a series of dissemination sessions when labour market statistics on ethnicity are published to make employers (and stakeholders) aware of data that is available and to support them to use national data to help inform their practice.

This action sits within RAP action 1.5, and is therefore assessed in Section 5 above.

Action 9: We will continue to press the UK Government to mandate ethnicity pay gap reporting.

This action sits within the aggregated action narrative of RAP as follows: "We will also lobby the UK Parliament for key changes to reserved legislation to address racialised systemic inequity, including mandating employers to report their ethnicity pay gap.

Action 10: Work with partners to establish senior leadership networks to build capability and understanding of racism and racial inequality in the workplace by the end of 2023.

This action sits within RAP action 1.4, and is therefore assessed in Section 5 above.

Action 11: Co-deliver a series of engagements with the public sector by end of 2023 to support employers to address the recommendations of the Scottish Parliament's Equalities and Human Right's Committee's inquiry report into race equality, employment and skills, which recommended employers assess their organisations' understanding of racism and structural barriers; employers subject to the Public Sector Equality Duty as a minimum, voluntarily record and publish their ethnicity pay gap and produce an action plan to deliver identified outcomes.

This action sits within RAP action 1.2, and is therefore assessed in Section 5 above.

Action 12: Ensure messaging around anti-racism and intersectionality is taken account of in Fair Work First guidance as used in procurement and grant funding processes.

This action sits within RAP action 2.2, and is therefore assessed in Section 5 above.

Action 13: The Scottish Government to undertake an equal pay audit examining pay gaps by gender, disability, race and age by March 2024. We will act on findings to review and refresh our recruitment and retention policies to address workplace inequalities by end of 2025.

This action sits within RAP action 1.1, and is therefore assessed in Section 5 above.


Email: FairWorkCommissioning@gov.scot

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