
Evaluation of Police and Fire Reform: Year 3 informants report

Evaluation of Police and Fire Reform: Year 3 national key informants report and summary of evidence.


In February 2015 the evaluation of police and fire reform in Scotland began. It is being undertaken by the Scottish Institute for Policing Research ( SIPR), ScotCen Social Research and What Works Scotland.

The Year 1 report [1] was published in June 2016 and provided a review of publically available evidence up to the end of 2015 [2] and national key informant interviews.

The Year 2 report [3] published in August 2017 comprised a Main Report and an Annex, with the focus on findings from four geographical case studies which examined local experience and perceptions of the way police and fire and rescue services are being delivered to local communities.

Year 3 has produced a series of publications, the first was published in February 2018 and comprised of a Main Report focusing on findings from a thematic case study on partnership working, prevention and innovation [4] .

This report will present the findings from the third year of the evaluation which focuses on interviews with national key informants. Annex one provides an overview of Policing 2026, annex two presents a summary of evidence from 2017 and annex three provides an overview of key findings from the evaluation of Dutch and Norwegian police reforms.


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