
An Evaluation of the Personal Development Partnership

This report reviews the management and outcomes from the Personal Development Partnership programme.


1.20 This section assesses success in engaging and involving young people through an analysis of the young people referred to PDP, their diversity, referrals achieved, views of referrers on engagement with the project, analysis of drop-out after first contact, and the partnership role in promoting the project, based on the risks and assumptions identified through the contribution analysis work on the project.

Diagram A: PDP from Referral to Outcome

Contribution Analysis Diagram 1

1.21 Each PDA holds on average 30 cases at any one time and it can be challenging to maintain a case mix that balances different support needs of young people in a way that creates a reasonable workload. Some young people require intensive one to one work before they can engage with any PDP 'journey', whilst others require less support to take the first step on their PDP journey and may get more out of group support. However changing needs and external crises can impact on caseload. Issues in case-load management and mix can create fatigue and burn out among the PDAs. The recent decision to stop referrals to one hub for a specified time reflects a maturing of the project and recognition of the need for manageable roles and co-ordinated experiences for young people. The DM has been tasked with the on-going assessment of caseload against staff time.


Email: Ban Cavanagh

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