Farm Advisory Service - One to Many: evaluation

This report provides an evaluation of the One to Many component of the Farm Advisory Service, delivered by SAC Consulting and provided as part of the Scottish Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. It analyses what has been delivered and provides recommendations for the future.


1. Calculated by summing monthly attendance, so does not represent unique users.

2. January to August only.

3. Where response given.

4. Recommendation 1: Review Monitoring Framework. Review the KPI arrangements for a future service, and consider the possibility of developing outcome based KPIs. Review the options for establishing effective monitoring of farm improvements, across the spectrum from highly centralised and monitored goals to goals established and monitoring by individuals or groups of participants.

5. (of the 101 who responded to this question)

6. On the question of knowledge about animal health and welfare, there were 68 respondents.

7. On the question of knowledge about animal health and welfare, there were 68 respondents.

8. NFUS Scotland and Nourish (2020) Farming for 1.5: A Transformation Pathway. pp. 17-18. Available here.



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