EU Exit: marine environmental legislation in Scotland

Explains the changes made to marine legislation to ensure that the law remains operable and effective from 1 January 2021

EU Exit and the Habitats Regulations in Scotland

Changes have been made to the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994,[1] [2] the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017,[3] [4] and the Conservation of Offshore Marine Habitats and Species Regulations 2017,[5] [6] so that Scotland maintains the same standards as currently provided by the EU Habitats[7] and Wild Birds[8] Directives. Collectively, these Directives are commonly referred to as the Nature Directives. The Nature Directives set out rules for the protection and management of certain habitats and species to ensure their conservation in the long term.

Guidance[9] has been produced to explain changes made to the 1994 Regulations and the two 2017 Regulations (together referred to as the Habitats Regulations), as they apply to Scotland.



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