Scottish Attainment Challenge - 2018-2022: equality impact assessment

Equality impact assessment (EQIA) for the Scottish Attainment Challenge - 2018 to 2022.


In response to the extraordinary situation caused by the pandemic, the education system in Scotland - like so many world-wide - responded quickly by moving to online and remote learning so that children and young people could continue their education. The immediate priority became the need to ensure support was provided urgently to the most vulnerable children and families, many of whom relied on schools to provide a safe, nurturing, and supportive environment.

Closing the poverty-related attainment gap remains a key focus of the Scottish Government. Education remains, by far, the most effective means we have to improve the life chances of all of our young people. That has not changed. If anything, the disproportionate impact that closing our schools had on the most disadvantaged in our society has demonstrated even more clearly the vital role that they play.

The work to close the poverty-related attainment gap remains a long term goal. To deliver this, a renewed focus is required. These reports demonstrate that, whilst the attainment data indicates variation in the pace of progress across the country, good progress has been made in a number of foundational strengths that the system can build on. The opportunity ahead is to build on these foundations, tackle variation and accelerate progress.

The evolution of the Attainment Challenge and its associated investment has seen the number of challenge authorities rise from seven to nine, whilst the schools programme and universal offer evolved, and support for care experienced children and young people and PEF have been introduced. This gradual development has seen the programme grow from a very targeted approach to closing the attainment gap to a system-wide improvement strategy to promote educational equity, and is reflected in the refreshed arrangements announced in November 2021 by the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills.

In looking ahead to continued efforts to tackle the poverty-related attainment gap, it is clear that there is progress to build on by focusing on the key areas of strength identified in these reports.



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