Adult learning strategy: equality impact assessment

Equality impact assessment (EQIA) for the adult learning strategy.

5. Conclusion

The EQIA process did not identify indirect or direct discrimination through the policy intentions of the Adult Learning Strategy. It has shown that despite limited evidence for some protected characteristics specific to CLD, evidence for the wider context in which CLD operates shows that the impact of the Adult Learning Strategy will be positive across all many protected characteristics, in particular age, disability, sex, pregnancy and maternity, gender reassignment, sexual orientation and race. For religion and belief we have particularly limited data. We have found no evidence of negative consequences at this time, however, in line with best practice we will keep this under review as part of the monitoring of this EQIA.

Specific policy interventions for actions within the Adult Learning Strategy are yet to be developed. As these policies develop they will require their own EQIA to ensure that the specific barriers for each protected characteristic are fully considered. Once these policies are implemented, we will gain a better understanding of the difference each policy will make in reducing discrimination and enhancing opportunity.

This EQIA analysis will be kept under regular review, with new data and evidence analysed as we improve data collection for CLD to monitor the impact of the Adult Learning Strategy on people with protected characteristics.

Name and job title of a Deputy Director or equivalent: Craig Robertson, Interim Deputy Director, Advanced Learning & Science.



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